This activity was submitted by Katherine Taylor of the University of Louisville. The original author is unknown.
Objective: Students will get their feet wet for citing sources and using the resources offered in the library.
Instructions for Students: Answer the following questions then head to the library to complete the activity.
A. What is the initial of your first name?
B. What is the initial of your last name?
Use the reference section of your school library to locate the following information:
Using the computerized search system in the library, select a topic that begins with the letter you listed for "A" above. Select two sources for that topic and put the full biographical information for each. Be sure to cite the author, title of the article, place where it was entered, the date, and pages (if applicable).
Using a book/source for quotations, find a topic that begins with the letter you listed for "B" above. Write down the topic chosen, resource used (including page number (if applicable)), the quote, and the author of the quote.
Now try to find the same quote in a different resource. What is the new resource? Does the quote differ any? How? Explain your answer. If you can't find your quote in a different resource, explain the search process you used to try to find it.
Using the statistical reference, locate one numerical fact or statistic on a topic that begins with the letter "A" above. Write down the topic chosen, resource, fact or statistic, and table number (if applicable).